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It is a piece of movement and text, a physical narration in which the word becomes a gesture,
movement, dance. RACE speaks about identity.
It reflects on how I see myself and what values ​​define me, one is gender, which determines what is expected, allowed and valued in a woman or a man in a given context. A personal view from myself, but also from others. It is a long-distance race.
Within a sports context, staging a race, a solitary athlete, starts in the starting position… in which she already has the feeling that she is starting at a disadvantage
Humor, strength, sensitivity, strength, sensitivity, are the key to the piece.
Artists are the new athletes
A monologue, which tries to be a dialogue with the public, about life from the perspective of being a woman and an artist, which makes her an athlete in today’s society.
It is an obstacle course, a relay race, a marathon, a long-distance race, a sprint.



BRUTIFUL is a transdisciplinary project of research and reflection on the possible relationships and interactions between movement, drawing and scenic space, expressed through light and sound, as an action to capture emotional time.

A reflective, observant, expectant body that questions itself, that tries to understand itself, that seeks a curious beauty as a place of welcome, of serenity, of simplicity.

It is an internal dialogue of a body and its projection, built from the drawing. A dialogue, internal, an intrusive dialogue.


Brutiful drawing 1
Brutiful drawing 2
Brutiful drawing 3

A movement happens in an instant, somewhere. Although we no longer see it, it does not disappear. Something has changed in that space.

Capturing that movement that has been suspended … to recreate it in another time. Now we see it on paper, however it is not still.



KIROLAK is a dance piece that supports creation, inclusion and popular culture from a contemporary perspective. It is inspired by Basque sports, which have their origin in the work activities of the rural environment,
transforming and reinterpreting them through dance, giving a new, more contemporary and poetic reading.
Three dancers and two txalapartaris create an abstract imaginary from the physicality and strength of the sport.
Can we find sensitivity and poetry in strength, endurance and perseverance?


This project is inclusive as we work with people with disabilities. The 2 musicians who are part of the artistic team have a permanent disability: Silvia Munárriz has a disability of grade 35, with severe mobility difficulties and Mikel Casanellas a visual disability of grade 68.

Concept:                                                 Helena Lizari

Direction and Choreography:              Helena Lizari and Laida Aldaz

Performing:                                            Koldo Arostegui, Laida Aldaz and Helena Lizari

Live Music:                                              Silvia Munarriz with Hutsun Txalaparta

Costumes:                                               Pepa Martínez

Ligh and Sound:                                     David Bernués

Production:                                             Rosa García

Management:                                          El Trastero Creativo

Photografy:                                             Blanca Razquin

Thanks to DanzÁlava offering an external look of Idoia Zabaleta, and the collaboration of Carmen Larraz as an external look in Sortutakoak.

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Project Path

Laida Aldaz and Helena Lizari created in 2016 a short street piece around this theme, which has been shown at Dantza-Hirian 2016, DNA Festival 2016, Fitur Fair 2017, Danzad Danzad Festival Malditos 2017, Fira Mediterrania 2017 (with the collaboration of the Etxepare Institute), Cultural Event Government Delegation of Navarra in Brussels 2017, Festival DNA 2018 and Program Kultur 2018.

From this work, a long-lasting piece for theaters  has been created, for which we have received an artistic residence in Sortutakoak11 from Dantzagunea, Casa de la Danza de Guipúzcoa, choreographic assistance from DanzÁlava, economic help of Innova Cultural 2018 from Fundación Caja Navarra and La Caixa, the co-production of La Faktoria Choreographic Center, and technical residence of the Casa de Cultura de Villava, where it was presented on June 14, 2019. On Tour 2021(Viana, Mutilva-Valle Aranguran, Noain, Lodosa, Etxarri-Aranaz-Lesaka).

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Xtraordinary to Dances: Solo Dance Xchange (SDX)


Karen and Allen Kaeja created a film/stage collaboration called XTOD:SDX. The film, by Allen, is named Xtraordinary TO Dances: Moments in Reel Time (XTOD) and the stage, by Karen, is Solo Dance Xchange (SDX).

The film takes place throughout Metropolitan Toronto highlight 22 Xtraordinary Toronto Dance Artists (EDA’s) improvising one-minute dances in deeply meaningfullocations of their choice. The 22 creators are of diverse genres, practices and generations.

Karen conceived of the Solo Dance Xchange (SDX) at the same time. Each of the film performers were given one of the other film solos (exchanged) to inspire them to create a two-three minute solo to perform. The concept was to re-imaginea new idea from the film solo and not reinterpret or redo the film solo.

Xtraordinary TO Dances has been performed in Japan, inviting 10 dancers and choreographers to créate and perform new solos.

Direction: Allen and Karen Kaeja

Performing:  Jun Morii, Naoko Mirakoshi, Yui Ugai, Helena Lizari, Mio Sakamoto, Caryn Chapell, Minoru Harata, Allen Kaeja, Masuyo Higashide, Karen Kaeja, Sho Ikushima, Miki Sato.

Solo Dance Xchange 1
Solo Dance Exchange 2


MALEBABLE It is a sensorial performance of movement. Body and objects dance together creating a series of poetic images.

It´s a journey through the senses.

An adventure of perception based on textures, based on touch.

It is elastic, soft, moldable, flexible, transformable, consistent …

Every show is a trip. MALEBABLE takes you through objects and textures to an imaginary space, created by two characters and driven by the motor of imagination.

The characters are transformed according to the materials that are introduced in the scene, creating, in this way, a conductive thread in the narrative.

MALEBABLE is a changing game of textures, a game of looks.

The transformation of the object changes the look?

Or the look changes the object you see?

What can be under a paper? Is it really a paper or a mountain? Can a piece of plastic and a piece of paper establish a conversation? Is the elasticity infinite? … or “sticky”?

Suggestions that remain in the air, inviting the child to think and intuit from the imagination.

Concept and direction:                      Helena Lizari

Creation and performing:                 Junyi Sun, Helena Lizari

Costumes:                                            Pepa Martínez

Set:                                                        Miquel Ruiz / Helena Lizari

Light & Sound:                                    Carlos Parada

Direction  assistant:                           Koos Vos y Ana Eulate

Photography:                                       Alessia Bombaci

Vídeo:                                                    Catarina Costa

*recommended ages: family  0 to 5 years / Schools 2 to 5 years
Lenght: 40 min

The public said:

“An incredible show, both for children and adults, a delight for the SENSES”

“A very funny scenery. We had a good time”

“Great, great fun, great for babies, we would repeat

“A fabulous show that has enchanted the whole family. And it is the first performance of my child ! ”
“Wonderful and inspiring!”

“Many emotions without words. Thank you, movement, love … Beautiful.

MALEBABLE is a production of Theater Mercat de les Flors  in collaboration with  Festival EL Més Petit de Tots and L´Estruch de Sabadell-Ajuntament de Sabadell.



This show has been performed at the Festival El Més Petit de Tots 2017 at the big top La Vela  L¨Estruch theater in Sabadell,La Casa Encendida in Madrid, within the Festival International Weeks of  Theater-Educational Action 2017, Festival Vox Txiia 2018 Pamplona and Festival BBescena 2019 A Coruña, among others.