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Helena Lizari · Últimas creaciones


RACE It is a piece of movement and text, a physical narration in which the word becomes a gesture, movement, dance. RACE speaks about identity. It reflects on how I see myself and what values ​​define me, one is gender, which determines what is expected, allowed and valued in a woman or a man in […]


Transdiciplinary project of exploration and investigation of space, time and light through movement, the tracing of light and shadows.


Choreographic creation that finds inspiration in Basque sports – Herri Kirolak.

Xtraordinary to Dances: Solo Dance Xchange (SDX)

Karen and Allen Kaeja created a film/stage collaboration called XTOD:SDX. The film, by Allen, is named Xtraordinary TO Dances: Moments in Reel Time (XTOD) and the stage, by Karen, is Solo Dance Xchange (SDX).


A sensorial performance of movement. Family show for kids 0-5 years old.

The dance does not end here .

A portrait made by pieces, scraps together like pieces of a puzzle, where there’s always a piece to fit.


Somewhere between opacity and transparency that mediate between shared indoor and outdoor locations.


Interactive installation, presented at the Mercat de les Flors, within the Festival IDN – Image, Dance and New Media 2015.


Everything was at a point until the time came …

Immediacy of Pure Presence

We start from the presence as scanning process. The presence of the moment.