An interactive installation, presented at the Mercat de les Flors, within the Festival IDN – Image, Dance and New Media 2015.
An intervention in a space designed to generate new personal experiences.
How often do we pay attention to the spaces we inhabit, to the cities where we live, to the malls for which we walk? What impact do theses tructured spaces have in our activities, our routines, our movement? In an effort to raise awareness of the importance of these physical interactions for our body and at the same time, for our health and our creativity, we invite you to look with new eyes the structure of the space do you use. Reconsidering what is normal and thinking rather in what is natural.
What if the stairs were no stairs, but slides? What if the floor was never plain? Or if malls will rather have suspended bridges instead of wide hallways? And if we look at the world as a playground?
Walk me, come with me and discover.
Direction: Maria Philippou
Coreography: Helena Lizari
Architectural Design: Constantinos Kiprianou
Interactive Design: David Dalmazzo